
[1] “analysisApi” “analysisCategoryApi” “analysisRuleApi” “analysisRulePlugInApi” “analysisTemplateApi” “assetDatabaseApi”
[7] “assetServerApi” “attributeApi” “attributeCategoryApi” “attributeTemplateApi” “attributeTraitApi” “batchApi”
[13] “calculationApi” “channelApi” “check.integer” “configurationApi” “customQueryString” “dataApi”
[19] “dataServerApi” “deleteHttpRequest” “elementApi” “elementCategoryApi” “elementTemplateApi” “enumerationSetApi”
[25] “enumerationValueApi” “eventFrameApi” “getHttpRequest” “homeApi” “is.NullOb” “notificationContactTemplateApi”
[31] “notificationRuleApi” “notificationRuleSubscriberApi” “notificationRuleTemplateApi” “patchHttpRequest” “PIAmbiguous” “PIAnalysis”
[37] “PIAnalysisCategory” “PIAnalysisCategoryLinks” “PIAnalysisLinks” “PIAnalysisRule” “PIAnalysisRuleLinks” “PIAnalysisRulePlugIn”
[43] “PIAnalysisRulePlugInLinks” “PIAnalysisTemplate” “PIAnalysisTemplateLinks” “PIAnnotation” “PIAnnotationLinks” “PIAssetDatabase”
[49] “PIAssetDatabaseLinks” “PIAssetServer” “PIAssetServerLinks” “PIAttribute” “PIAttributeCategory” “PIAttributeCategoryLinks”
[55] “PIAttributeLinks” “PIAttributeTemplate” “PIAttributeTemplateLinks” “PIAttributeTrait” “PIAttributeTraitLinks” “PICacheInstance”
[61] “PIChannelInstance” “PIDataPipeEvent” “PIDataServer” “PIDataServerLicense” “PIDataServerLicenseLinks” “PIDataServerLinks”
[67] “PIElement” “PIElementCategory” “PIElementCategoryLinks” “PIElementLinks” “PIElementTemplate” “PIElementTemplateLinks”
[73] “PIEnumerationSet” “PIEnumerationSetLinks” “PIEnumerationValue” “PIEnumerationValueLinks” “PIErrors” “PIEventFrame”
[79] “PIEventFrameLinks” “PIExtendedTimedValue” “PIExtendedTimedValues” “PIItemAttribute” “PIItemElement” “PIItemEventFrame”
[85] “PIItemPoint” “PIItemsAnalysis” “PIItemsAnalysisCategory” “PIItemsAnalysisRule” “PIItemsAnalysisRulePlugIn” “PIItemsAnalysisTemplate”
[91] “PIItemsAnnotation” “PIItemsAssetDatabase” “PIItemsAssetServer” “PIItemsAttribute” “PIItemsAttributeCategory” “PIItemsAttributeTemplate”
[97] “PIItemsAttributeTrait” “PIItemsCacheInstance” “PIItemsChannelInstance” “PIItemsDataServer” “PIItemsElement” “PIItemsElementCategory”
[103] “PIItemsElementTemplate” “PIItemsEnumerationSet” “PIItemsEnumerationValue” “PIItemsEventFrame” “PIItemsItemAttribute” “PIItemsItemElement”
[109] “PIItemsItemEventFrame” “PIItemsItemPoint” “PIItemsItemsSubstatus” “PIItemsNotificationContactTemplate” “PIItemsNotificationRule” “PIItemsNotificationRuleSubscriber”
[115] “PIItemsNotificationRuleTemplate” “PIItemsPoint” “PIItemsPointAttribute” “PIItemsSecurityEntry” “PIItemsSecurityIdentity” “PIItemsSecurityMapping”
[121] “PIItemsSecurityRights” “PIItemsStreamSummaries” “PIItemsStreamUpdatesRegister” “PIItemsStreamUpdatesRetrieve” “PIItemsStreamValue” “PIItemsStreamValues”
[127] “PIItemsstring” “PIItemsSubstatus” “PIItemsSummaryValue” “PIItemsTable” “PIItemsTableCategory” “PIItemsTimeRulePlugIn”
[133] “PIItemsUnitClass” “PILanding” “PILandingLinks” “PIMediaMetadata” “PIMediaMetadataLinks” “PINotificationContactTemplate”
[139] “PINotificationContactTemplateLinks” “PINotificationRule” “PINotificationRuleSubscriber” “PINotificationRuleTemplate” “PIPaginationLinks” “PIPoint”
[145] “PIPointAttribute” “PIPointAttributeLinks” “PIPointLinks” “PIPropertyError” “PIRequest” “PIRequestTemplate”
[151] “PIResponse” “PISearchByAttribute” “PISecurity” “PISecurityEntry” “PISecurityEntryLinks” “PISecurityIdentity”
[157] “PISecurityIdentityLinks” “PISecurityMapping” “PISecurityMappingLinks” “PISecurityRights” “PISecurityRightsLinks” “PIStreamAnnotation”
[163] “PIStreamSummaries” “PIStreamSummariesLinks” “PIStreamUpdatesRegister” “PIStreamUpdatesRetrieve” “PIStreamValue” “PIStreamValueLinks”
[169] “PIStreamValues” “PIStreamValuesLinks” “PISubstatus” “PISummaryValue” “PISystemLanding” “PISystemLandingLinks”
[175] “PISystemStatus” “PITable” “PITableCategory” “PITableCategoryLinks” “PITableData” “PITableLinks”
[181] “PITimedValue” “PITimedValues” “PITimeRule” “PITimeRuleLinks” “PITimeRulePlugIn” “PITimeRulePlugInLinks”
[187] “PIUnit” “PIUnitClass” “PIUnitClassLinks” “PIUnitLinks” “PIUserInfo” “PIValue”
[193] “PIValueQuery” “PIVersion” “piwebapi” “PIWebException” “pointApi” “postHttpRequest”
[199] “putHttpRequest” “rmNullObs” “securityIdentityApi” “securityMappingApi” “showError” “streamApi”
[205] “streamSetApi” “systemApi” “tableApi” “tableCategoryApi” “timeRuleApi” “timeRulePlugInApi”
[211] “unitApi” “unitClassApi”
A single object matching ‘analysisApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIAnalysis)
delete: function (webId)
getCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
getAnalysesQuery: function (databaseWebId, maxCount, query, selectedFields, startIndex,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘analysisCategoryApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIAnalysisCategory)
delete: function (webId)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘analysisRuleApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIAnalysisRule)
delete: function (webId)
getAnalysisRules: function (webId, maxCount, nameFilter, searchFullHierarchy, selectedFields,
createAnalysisRule: function (webId, PIAnalysisRule, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘analysisRulePlugInApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘analysisTemplateApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
createFromAnalysis: function (analysisWebId, name, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIAnalysisTemplate)
delete: function (webId)
getCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
getAnalysisTemplatesQuery: function (databaseWebId, maxCount, query, selectedFields, startIndex,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘assetDatabaseApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIAssetDatabase)
delete: function (webId)
findAnalyses: function (webId, field, maxCount, query, selectedFields, sortField,
getAnalysisCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createAnalysisCategory: function (webId, PIAnalysisCategory, webIdType)
getAnalysisTemplates: function (webId, field, maxCount, query, selectedFields, sortField,
createAnalysisTemplate: function (webId, PIAnalysisTemplate, webIdType)
getAttributeCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createAttributeCategory: function (webId, PIAttributeCategory, webIdType)
findElementAttributes: function (webId, attributeCategory, attributeDescriptionFilter,
getElementCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createElementCategory: function (webId, PIElementCategory, webIdType)
getElements: function (webId, categoryName, descriptionFilter, elementType,
createElement: function (webId, PIElement, webIdType)
getElementTemplates: function (webId, field, maxCount, query, selectedFields, sortField,
createElementTemplate: function (webId, PIElementTemplate, webIdType)
getEnumerationSets: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createEnumerationSet: function (webId, PIEnumerationSet, webIdType)
findEventFrameAttributes: function (webId, attributeCategory, attributeDescriptionFilter,
getEventFrames: function (webId, canBeAcknowledged, categoryName, endTime, isAcknowledged,
createEventFrame: function (webId, PIEventFrame, webIdType)
export: function (webId, endTime, exportMode, startTime)
import: function (webId, importMode)
getReferencedElements: function (webId, categoryName, descriptionFilter, elementType,
addReferencedElement: function (webId, referencedElementWebId, referenceType)
removeReferencedElement: function (webId, referencedElementWebId)
getSecurity: function (webId, securityItem, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, securityItem, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, securityItem,
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, securityItem, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, securityItem)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren, securityItem)
getTableCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createTableCategory: function (webId, PITableCategory, webIdType)
getTables: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createTable: function (webId, PITable, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘assetServerApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
list: function (selectedFields, webIdType)
getByName: function (name, selectedFields, webIdType)
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getAnalysisRulePlugIns: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getDatabases: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createAssetDatabase: function (webId, PIAssetDatabase, webIdType)
getNotificationContactTemplates: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurity: function (webId, securityItem, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, securityItem, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, securityItem,
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, securityItem, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, securityItem)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren, securityItem)
getSecurityIdentities: function (webId, field, maxCount, query, selectedFields, sortField,
createSecurityIdentity: function (webId, PISecurityIdentity, webIdType)
getSecurityIdentitiesForUser: function (webId, userIdentity, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurityMappings: function (webId, field, maxCount, query, selectedFields, sortField,
createSecurityMapping: function (webId, PISecurityMapping, webIdType)
getTimeRulePlugIns: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getUnitClasses: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createUnitClass: function (webId, PIUnitClass, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘attributeApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIAttribute)
delete: function (webId)
getAttributes: function (webId, categoryName, maxCount, nameFilter, searchFullHierarchy,
createAttribute: function (webId, PIAttribute, webIdType)
getCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createConfig: function (webId, webIdType)
getValue: function (webId, selectedFields)
setValue: function (webId, PITimedValue)
getMultiple: function (asParallel, includeMode, path, selectedFields, webId,
getAttributesQuery: function (databaseWebId, maxCount, query, selectedFields, startIndex,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘attributeCategoryApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIAttributeCategory)
delete: function (webId)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘attributeTemplateApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIAttributeTemplate)
delete: function (webId)
getAttributeTemplates: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createAttributeTemplate: function (webId, PIAttributeTemplate, webIdType)
getCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘attributeTraitApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByCategory: function (category, selectedFields)
get: function (name, selectedFields)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘batchApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
execute: function (batch)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘calculationApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getAtIntervals: function (endTime, expression, sampleInterval, selectedFields,
getAtRecorded: function (endTime, expression, selectedFields, startTime, webId)
getSummary: function (calculationBasis, endTime, expression, sampleInterval,
getAtTimes: function (expression, selectedFields, sortOrder, time, webId)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘channelApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
instances: function ()
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘check.integer’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (N)
res1 <- !grepl("[^[:digit:]]", format(N, digits = 20, scientific = FALSE)) res2 <- class(N) == "numeric" res <- res1 && res2 return(res) }

A single object matching ‘configurationApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
list: function ()
get: function (key)
delete: function (key)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘customQueryString’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
qsValue: list
initialize: function ()
getQueryParameters: function ()
add: function (parameterKey, parameterValue, isMulti)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘dataApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
attribute: NULL
point: NULL
stream: NULL
streamSet: NULL
initialize: function (attribute, point, stream, streamSet)
convertPathToWebId: function (fullPath)
convertPathsToWebIds: function (paths)
convertToDataFrame: function (items)
calculateItemsIndex: function (webId, items, originalIndex)
convertMultipleStreamsToDataFrame: function (items, gatherInOneDataFrame, webIds, paths = NULL)
getRecordedValues: function (path, boundaryType, desiredUnits, endTime, filterExpression,
getMultipleRecordedValues: function (paths, boundaryType, endTime, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getInterpolatedValues: function (path, desiredUnits, endTime, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getMultipleInterpolatedValues: function (paths, endTime, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getPlotValues: function (path, desiredUnits, endTime, intervals, selectedFields,
getMultiplePlotValues: function (paths, endTime, intervals, selectedFields, startTime,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘dataServerApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
list: function (selectedFields, webIdType)
getByName: function (name, selectedFields, webIdType)
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getEnumerationSets: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createEnumerationSet: function (webId, PIEnumerationSet, webIdType)
getLicense: function (webId, module, selectedFields, webIdType)
getPoints: function (webId, maxCount, nameFilter, selectedFields, startIndex,
createPoint: function (webId, PIPoint, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘deleteHttpRequest’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (url, queryParameters, username, password, authType,
validateSSL, debug)
if (debug == TRUE) {
res <- DELETE(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL), verbose()) showError(res) return(res) } else { res <- DELETE(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL)) showError(res) return(res) } }

A single object matching ‘elementApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIElement)
delete: function (webId)
getAnalyses: function (webId, maxCount, selectedFields, sortField, sortOrder,
createAnalysis: function (webId, PIAnalysis, webIdType)
getAttributes: function (webId, categoryName, maxCount, nameFilter, searchFullHierarchy,
createAttribute: function (webId, PIAttribute, webIdType)
getCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createConfig: function (webId, includeChildElements)
findElementAttributes: function (webId, attributeCategory, attributeDescriptionFilter,
getElements: function (webId, categoryName, descriptionFilter, elementType,
createElement: function (webId, PIElement, webIdType)
getEventFrames: function (webId, canBeAcknowledged, categoryName, endTime, isAcknowledged,
getNotificationRules: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getPaths: function (webId, relativePath)
getReferencedElements: function (webId, categoryName, descriptionFilter, elementType,
addReferencedElement: function (webId, referencedElementWebId, referenceType)
removeReferencedElement: function (webId, referencedElementWebId)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
getMultiple: function (asParallel, includeMode, path, selectedFields, webId,
getElementsQuery: function (databaseWebId, maxCount, query, selectedFields, startIndex,
createSearchByAttribute: function (PISearchByAttribute, noResults, webIdType)
executeSearchByAttribute: function (searchId, categoryName, descriptionFilter, maxCount,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘elementCategoryApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIElementCategory)
delete: function (webId)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘elementTemplateApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIElementTemplate)
delete: function (webId)
getAnalysisTemplates: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getAttributeTemplates: function (webId, depthFirstTraverse, maxCount, selectedFields,
createAttributeTemplate: function (webId, PIAttributeTemplate, webIdType)
getBaseElementTemplates: function (webId, maxCount, selectedFields, webIdType)
getCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, showInherited, webIdType)
getDerivedElementTemplates: function (webId, maxCount, selectedFields, showDescendants, webIdType)
getNotificationRuleTemplates: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘enumerationSetApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIEnumerationSet)
delete: function (webId)
getValues: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createValue: function (webId, PIEnumerationValue, webIdType)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘enumerationValueApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateEnumerationValue: function (webId, PIEnumerationValue)
deleteEnumerationValue: function (webId)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘eventFrameApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIEventFrame)
delete: function (webId)
acknowledge: function (webId)
getAnnotations: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createAnnotation: function (webId, PIAnnotation, webIdType)
getAnnotationById: function (id, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateAnnotation: function (id, webId, PIAnnotation)
deleteAnnotation: function (id, webId)
deleteAnnotationAttachmentMediaById: function (id, webId)
getAnnotationAttachmentMediaMetadataById: function (id, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getAttributes: function (webId, categoryName, maxCount, nameFilter, searchFullHierarchy,
createAttribute: function (webId, PIAttribute, webIdType)
captureValues: function (webId)
getCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createConfig: function (webId, includeChildElements)
findEventFrameAttributes: function (webId, attributeCategory, attributeDescriptionFilter,
getEventFrames: function (webId, canBeAcknowledged, categoryName, endTime, isAcknowledged,
createEventFrame: function (webId, PIEventFrame, webIdType)
getReferencedElements: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
getMultiple: function (asParallel, includeMode, path, selectedFields, webId,
getEventFramesQuery: function (databaseWebId, maxCount, query, selectedFields, startIndex,
createSearchByAttribute: function (PISearchByAttribute, noResults, selectedFields, webIdType)
executeSearchByAttribute: function (searchId, canBeAcknowledged, endTime, isAcknowledged,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘getHttpRequest’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (url, queryParameters, username, password, authType,
validateSSL, debug)
if (debug == TRUE) {
res <- GET(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL), verbose()) showError(res) return(res) } else { res <- GET(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL)) showError(res) return(res) } }

A single object matching ‘homeApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
get: function ()
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘is.NullOb’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (x)
is.null(x) | all(sapply(x, is.null))

A single object matching ‘notificationContactTemplateApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘notificationRuleApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getNotificationRules: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getNotificationRuleSubscribers: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getNotificationRulesQuery: function (databaseWebId, maxCount, query, selectedFields, startIndex,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘notificationRuleSubscriberApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getNotificationRuleSubscriberByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
getNotificationRuleSubscriber: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getNotificationRuleSubscribers: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘notificationRuleTemplateApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getNotificationRuleTemplateSubscribers: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getNotificationRuleTemplatesQuery: function (databaseWebId, maxCount, query, selectedFields, startIndex,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘patchHttpRequest’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (url, queryParameters, bodyRequest, username, password,
authType, validateSSL, debug)
if (debug == TRUE) {
res <- PATCH(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL), body = bodyRequest, encode = "json", verbose()) showError(res) return(res) } else { res <- PATCH(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL), body = bodyRequest, encode = "json") showError(res) return(res) } }

A single object matching ‘PIAmbiguous’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (reason = NULL)
if (is.null(reason) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(reason) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: reason must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Reason = reason) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAmbiguous" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysis’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, analysisRulePlugInName = NULL, autoCreated = NULL,
categoryNames = NULL, groupId = NULL, hasNotification = NULL,
hasTarget = NULL, hasTemplate = NULL, isConfigured = NULL,
isTimeRuleDefinedByTemplate = NULL, maximumQueueSize = NULL,
outputTime = NULL, priority = NULL, publishResults = NULL,
status = NULL, targetWebId = NULL, templateName = NULL, timeRulePlugInName = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisRulePlugInName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisRulePlugInName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisRulePlugInName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(autoCreated) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(autoCreated) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: autoCreated must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(groupId) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(groupId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: groupId must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(hasNotification) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasNotification) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasNotification must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(hasTarget) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasTarget) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasTarget must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(hasTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasTemplate must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isConfigured) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isConfigured) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isConfigured must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isTimeRuleDefinedByTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isTimeRuleDefinedByTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isTimeRuleDefinedByTemplate must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(maximumQueueSize) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(maximumQueueSize) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: maximumQueueSize must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(outputTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(outputTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: outputTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(priority) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(priority) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: priority must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(publishResults) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(publishResults) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: publishResults must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(status) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(status) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: status must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(targetWebId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(targetWebId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: targetWebId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(templateName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(templateName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: templateName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timeRulePlugInName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timeRulePlugInName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timeRulePlugInName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAnalysisLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAnalysisLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, AnalysisRulePlugInName = analysisRulePlugInName, AutoCreated = autoCreated, CategoryNames = categoryNames, GroupId = groupId, HasNotification = hasNotification, HasTarget = hasTarget, HasTemplate = hasTemplate, IsConfigured = isConfigured, IsTimeRuleDefinedByTemplate = isTimeRuleDefinedByTemplate, MaximumQueueSize = maximumQueueSize, OutputTime = outputTime, Priority = priority, PublishResults = publishResults, Status = status, TargetWebId = targetWebId, TemplateName = templateName, TimeRulePlugInName = timeRulePlugInName, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysis" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisCategory’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAnalysisCategoryLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAnalysisCategoryLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisCategory" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisCategoryLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, database = NULL, security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Database = database, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisCategoryLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, target = NULL, database = NULL, categories = NULL,
template = NULL, analysisRule = NULL, analysisRulePlugIn = NULL,
timeRule = NULL, timeRulePlugIn = NULL, security = NULL,
securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(target) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(target) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: target must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(categories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(template) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(template) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: template must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisRule) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisRule) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisRule must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisRulePlugIn) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisRulePlugIn) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisRulePlugIn must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timeRule) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timeRule) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timeRule must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timeRulePlugIn) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timeRulePlugIn) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timeRulePlugIn must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Target = target, Database = database, Categories = categories, Template = template, AnalysisRule = analysisRule, AnalysisRulePlugIn = analysisRulePlugIn, TimeRule = timeRule, TimeRulePlugIn = timeRulePlugIn, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisRule’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, configString = NULL, displayString = NULL, editorType = NULL,
hasChildren = NULL, isConfigured = NULL, isInitializing = NULL,
plugInName = NULL, supportedBehaviors = NULL, variableMapping = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(configString) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(configString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: configString must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(displayString) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(displayString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: displayString must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(editorType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(editorType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: editorType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasChildren must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isConfigured) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isConfigured) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isConfigured must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isInitializing) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isInitializing) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isInitializing must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(plugInName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plugInName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plugInName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(supportedBehaviors) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(supportedBehaviors) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: supportedBehaviors must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(supportedBehaviors[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: supportedBehaviors[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(variableMapping) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(variableMapping) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: variableMapping must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAnalysisRuleLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAnalysisRuleLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, ConfigString = configString, DisplayString = displayString, EditorType = editorType, HasChildren = hasChildren, IsConfigured = isConfigured, IsInitializing = isInitializing, PlugInName = plugInName, SupportedBehaviors = supportedBehaviors, VariableMapping = variableMapping, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisRule" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisRuleLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, analysisRules = NULL, analysis = NULL,
analysisTemplate = NULL, parent = NULL, plugIn = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisRules) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisRules) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisRules must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysis) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysis) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysis must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisTemplate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(parent) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(parent) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: parent must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(plugIn) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plugIn) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plugIn must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AnalysisRules = analysisRules, Analysis = analysis, AnalysisTemplate = analysisTemplate, Parent = parent, PlugIn = plugIn) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisRuleLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisRulePlugIn’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, assemblyFileName = NULL, assemblyID = NULL,
assemblyLoadProperties = NULL, assemblyTime = NULL, compatibilityVersion = NULL,
isBrowsable = NULL, isNonEditableConfig = NULL, loadedAssemblyTime = NULL,
loadedVersion = NULL, version = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assemblyFileName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assemblyFileName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyFileName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assemblyID) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assemblyID) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyID must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assemblyLoadProperties) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(assemblyLoadProperties) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyLoadProperties must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(assemblyLoadProperties[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyLoadProperties[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assemblyTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assemblyTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(compatibilityVersion) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(compatibilityVersion) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: compatibilityVersion must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(isBrowsable) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isBrowsable) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isBrowsable must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isNonEditableConfig) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isNonEditableConfig) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isNonEditableConfig must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(loadedAssemblyTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(loadedAssemblyTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: loadedAssemblyTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(loadedVersion) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(loadedVersion) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: loadedVersion must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(version) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(version) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: version must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAnalysisRulePlugInLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAnalysisRulePlugInLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, AssemblyFileName = assemblyFileName, AssemblyID = assemblyID, AssemblyLoadProperties = assemblyLoadProperties, AssemblyTime = assemblyTime, CompatibilityVersion = compatibilityVersion, IsBrowsable = isBrowsable, IsNonEditableConfig = isNonEditableConfig, LoadedAssemblyTime = loadedAssemblyTime, LoadedVersion = loadedVersion, Version = version, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisRulePlugIn" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisRulePlugInLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, assetServer = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assetServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assetServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assetServer must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AssetServer = assetServer) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisRulePlugInLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, analysisRulePlugInName = NULL, categoryNames = NULL,
createEnabled = NULL, groupId = NULL, hasNotificationTemplate = NULL,
hasTarget = NULL, outputTime = NULL, targetName = NULL, timeRulePlugInName = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisRulePlugInName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisRulePlugInName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisRulePlugInName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(createEnabled) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(createEnabled) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: createEnabled must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(groupId) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(groupId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: groupId must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(hasNotificationTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasNotificationTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasNotificationTemplate must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(hasTarget) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasTarget) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasTarget must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(outputTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(outputTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: outputTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(targetName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(targetName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: targetName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timeRulePlugInName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timeRulePlugInName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timeRulePlugInName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAnalysisTemplateLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAnalysisTemplateLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, AnalysisRulePlugInName = analysisRulePlugInName, CategoryNames = categoryNames, CreateEnabled = createEnabled, GroupId = groupId, HasNotificationTemplate = hasNotificationTemplate, HasTarget = hasTarget, OutputTime = outputTime, TargetName = targetName, TimeRulePlugInName = timeRulePlugInName, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnalysisTemplateLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, database = NULL, categories = NULL, analysisRule = NULL,
analysisRulePlugIn = NULL, timeRule = NULL, timeRulePlugIn = NULL,
target = NULL, security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(categories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisRule) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisRule) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisRule must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisRulePlugIn) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisRulePlugIn) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisRulePlugIn must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timeRule) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timeRule) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timeRule must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timeRulePlugIn) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timeRulePlugIn) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timeRulePlugIn must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(target) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(target) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: target must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Database = database, Categories = categories, AnalysisRule = analysisRule, AnalysisRulePlugIn = analysisRulePlugIn, TimeRule = timeRule, TimeRulePlugIn = timeRulePlugIn, Target = target, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnalysisTemplateLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnnotation’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL, value = NULL,
creator = NULL, creationDate = NULL, modifier = NULL, modifyDate = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(creator) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(creator) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: creator must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(creationDate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(creationDate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: creationDate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(modifier) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(modifier) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: modifier must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(modifyDate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(modifyDate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: modifyDate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAnnotationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAnnotationLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Value = value, Creator = creator, CreationDate = creationDate, Modifier = modifier, ModifyDate = modifyDate, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnnotation" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAnnotationLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, owner = NULL, mediaData = NULL, mediaMetadata = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(owner) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(owner) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: owner must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(mediaData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(mediaData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: mediaData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(mediaMetadata) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(mediaMetadata) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: mediaMetadata must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Owner = owner, MediaData = mediaData, MediaMetadata = mediaMetadata) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAnnotationLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAssetDatabase’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, extendedProperties = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(extendedProperties) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAssetDatabaseLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAssetDatabaseLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, ExtendedProperties = extendedProperties, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAssetDatabase" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAssetDatabaseLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, elements = NULL, elementTemplates = NULL,
eventFrames = NULL, assetServer = NULL, elementCategories = NULL,
attributeCategories = NULL, tableCategories = NULL, analysisCategories = NULL,
analysisTemplates = NULL, enumerationSets = NULL, tables = NULL,
security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(elements) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(elements) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: elements must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(elementTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(elementTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: elementTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(eventFrames) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(eventFrames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: eventFrames must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assetServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assetServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assetServer must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(elementCategories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(elementCategories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: elementCategories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributeCategories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributeCategories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributeCategories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(tableCategories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(tableCategories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: tableCategories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisCategories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisCategories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisCategories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(enumerationSets) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(enumerationSets) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: enumerationSets must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(tables) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(tables) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: tables must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Elements = elements, ElementTemplates = elementTemplates, EventFrames = eventFrames, AssetServer = assetServer, ElementCategories = elementCategories, AttributeCategories = attributeCategories, TableCategories = tableCategories, AnalysisCategories = analysisCategories, AnalysisTemplates = analysisTemplates, EnumerationSets = enumerationSets, Tables = tables, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAssetDatabaseLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAssetServer’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, isConnected = NULL, serverVersion = NULL, serverTime = NULL,
extendedProperties = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(isConnected) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isConnected) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isConnected must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(serverVersion) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(serverVersion) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: serverVersion must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(serverTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(serverTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: serverTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(extendedProperties) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAssetServerLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAssetServerLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, IsConnected = isConnected, ServerVersion = serverVersion, ServerTime = serverTime, ExtendedProperties = extendedProperties, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAssetServer" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAssetServerLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, databases = NULL, notificationContactTemplates = NULL,
securityIdentities = NULL, securityMappings = NULL, unitClasses = NULL,
analysisRulePlugIns = NULL, timeRulePlugIns = NULL, security = NULL,
securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(databases) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(databases) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: databases must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(notificationContactTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(notificationContactTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: notificationContactTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityIdentities) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityIdentities) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityIdentities must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityMappings) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityMappings) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityMappings must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(unitClasses) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(unitClasses) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: unitClasses must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisRulePlugIns) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisRulePlugIns) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisRulePlugIns must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timeRulePlugIns) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timeRulePlugIns) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timeRulePlugIns must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Databases = databases, NotificationContactTemplates = notificationContactTemplates, SecurityIdentities = securityIdentities, SecurityMappings = securityMappings, UnitClasses = unitClasses, AnalysisRulePlugIns = analysisRulePlugIns, TimeRulePlugIns = timeRulePlugIns, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAssetServerLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAttribute’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, type = NULL, typeQualifier = NULL, defaultUnitsName = NULL,
displayDigits = NULL, dataReferencePlugIn = NULL, configString = NULL,
isConfigurationItem = NULL, isExcluded = NULL, isHidden = NULL,
isManualDataEntry = NULL, hasChildren = NULL, categoryNames = NULL,
step = NULL, traitName = NULL, defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation = NULL,
span = NULL, zero = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(type) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(type) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: type must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(typeQualifier) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(typeQualifier) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: typeQualifier must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(defaultUnitsName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(defaultUnitsName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: defaultUnitsName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(displayDigits) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(displayDigits) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: displayDigits must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(dataReferencePlugIn) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(dataReferencePlugIn) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: dataReferencePlugIn must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(configString) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(configString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: configString must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(isConfigurationItem) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isConfigurationItem) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isConfigurationItem must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isExcluded) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isExcluded) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isExcluded must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isHidden) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isHidden) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isHidden must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isManualDataEntry) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isManualDataEntry) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isManualDataEntry must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasChildren must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(step) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(step) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: step must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(traitName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(traitName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: traitName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(span) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(zero) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAttributeLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAttributeLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Type = type, TypeQualifier = typeQualifier, DefaultUnitsName = defaultUnitsName, DisplayDigits = displayDigits, DataReferencePlugIn = dataReferencePlugIn, ConfigString = configString, IsConfigurationItem = isConfigurationItem, IsExcluded = isExcluded, IsHidden = isHidden, IsManualDataEntry = isManualDataEntry, HasChildren = hasChildren, CategoryNames = categoryNames, Step = step, TraitName = traitName, DefaultUnitsNameAbbreviation = defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation, Span = span, Zero = zero, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAttribute" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAttributeCategory’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAttributeCategoryLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAttributeCategoryLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAttributeCategory" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAttributeCategoryLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, database = NULL, security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Database = database, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAttributeCategoryLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAttributeLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, attributes = NULL, element = NULL, eventFrame = NULL,
parent = NULL, template = NULL, interpolatedData = NULL,
recordedData = NULL, plotData = NULL, summaryData = NULL,
value = NULL, endValue = NULL, point = NULL, categories = NULL,
enumerationSet = NULL, enumerationValues = NULL, trait = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributes) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributes) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributes must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(element) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(element) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: element must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(eventFrame) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(eventFrame) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: eventFrame must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(parent) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(parent) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: parent must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(template) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(template) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: template must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(interpolatedData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(interpolatedData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: interpolatedData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(recordedData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(recordedData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: recordedData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(plotData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plotData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plotData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(summaryData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(summaryData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: summaryData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(value) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: value must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(endValue) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(endValue) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: endValue must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(point) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(point) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: point must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(categories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(enumerationSet) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(enumerationSet) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: enumerationSet must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(enumerationValues) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(enumerationValues) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: enumerationValues must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(trait) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(trait) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: trait must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Attributes = attributes, Element = element, EventFrame = eventFrame, Parent = parent, Template = template, InterpolatedData = interpolatedData, RecordedData = recordedData, PlotData = plotData, SummaryData = summaryData, Value = value, EndValue = endValue, Point = point, Categories = categories, EnumerationSet = enumerationSet, EnumerationValues = enumerationValues, Trait = trait) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAttributeLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAttributeTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, type = NULL, typeQualifier = NULL, defaultUnitsName = NULL,
defaultValue = NULL, dataReferencePlugIn = NULL, configString = NULL,
isConfigurationItem = NULL, isExcluded = NULL, isHidden = NULL,
isManualDataEntry = NULL, hasChildren = NULL, categoryNames = NULL,
traitName = NULL, defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation = NULL, links = NULL,
webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(type) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(type) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: type must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(typeQualifier) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(typeQualifier) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: typeQualifier must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(defaultUnitsName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(defaultUnitsName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: defaultUnitsName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(defaultValue) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(dataReferencePlugIn) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(dataReferencePlugIn) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: dataReferencePlugIn must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(configString) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(configString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: configString must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(isConfigurationItem) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isConfigurationItem) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isConfigurationItem must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isExcluded) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isExcluded) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isExcluded must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isHidden) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isHidden) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isHidden must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isManualDataEntry) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isManualDataEntry) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isManualDataEntry must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasChildren must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(traitName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(traitName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: traitName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAttributeTemplateLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAttributeTemplateLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Type = type, TypeQualifier = typeQualifier, DefaultUnitsName = defaultUnitsName, DefaultValue = defaultValue, DataReferencePlugIn = dataReferencePlugIn, ConfigString = configString, IsConfigurationItem = isConfigurationItem, IsExcluded = isExcluded, IsHidden = isHidden, IsManualDataEntry = isManualDataEntry, HasChildren = hasChildren, CategoryNames = categoryNames, TraitName = traitName, DefaultUnitsNameAbbreviation = defaultUnitsNameAbbreviation, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAttributeTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAttributeTemplateLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, attributeTemplates = NULL, elementTemplate = NULL,
parent = NULL, categories = NULL, trait = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributeTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributeTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributeTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(elementTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(elementTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: elementTemplate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(parent) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(parent) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: parent must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(categories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(trait) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(trait) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: trait must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AttributeTemplates = attributeTemplates, ElementTemplate = elementTemplate, Parent = parent, Categories = categories, Trait = trait) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAttributeTemplateLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAttributeTrait’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (name = NULL, abbreviation = NULL, allowChildAttributes = NULL,
allowDuplicates = NULL, isAllowedOnRootAttribute = NULL,
isTypeInherited = NULL, isUOMInherited = NULL, requireNumeric = NULL,
requireString = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(abbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(abbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: abbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(allowChildAttributes) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(allowChildAttributes) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: allowChildAttributes must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(allowDuplicates) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(allowDuplicates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: allowDuplicates must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isAllowedOnRootAttribute) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isAllowedOnRootAttribute) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isAllowedOnRootAttribute must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isTypeInherited) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isTypeInherited) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isTypeInherited must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isUOMInherited) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isUOMInherited) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isUOMInherited must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(requireNumeric) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(requireNumeric) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: requireNumeric must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(requireString) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(requireString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: requireString must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAttributeTraitLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIAttributeTraitLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Name = name, Abbreviation = abbreviation, AllowChildAttributes = allowChildAttributes, AllowDuplicates = allowDuplicates, IsAllowedOnRootAttribute = isAllowedOnRootAttribute, IsTypeInherited = isTypeInherited, IsUOMInherited = isUOMInherited, RequireNumeric = requireNumeric, RequireString = requireString, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAttributeTrait" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIAttributeTraitLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIAttributeTraitLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PICacheInstance’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (id = NULL, lastRefreshTime = NULL, willRefreshAfter = NULL,
scheduledExpirationTime = NULL, user = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(lastRefreshTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(lastRefreshTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: lastRefreshTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(willRefreshAfter) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(willRefreshAfter) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: willRefreshAfter must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(scheduledExpirationTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(scheduledExpirationTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: scheduledExpirationTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(user) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(user) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: user must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Id = id, LastRefreshTime = lastRefreshTime, WillRefreshAfter = willRefreshAfter, ScheduledExpirationTime = scheduledExpirationTime, User = user, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PICacheInstance" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIChannelInstance’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (id = NULL, startTime = NULL, lastMessageSentTime = NULL,
sentMessageCount = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(startTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(startTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: startTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(lastMessageSentTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(lastMessageSentTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: lastMessageSentTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(sentMessageCount) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(sentMessageCount) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: sentMessageCount must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Id = id, StartTime = startTime, LastMessageSentTime = lastMessageSentTime, SentMessageCount = sentMessageCount, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIChannelInstance" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIDataPipeEvent’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (action = NULL, timestamp = NULL, unitsAbbreviation = NULL,
good = NULL, questionable = NULL, substituted = NULL, annotated = NULL,
value = NULL, errors = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(action) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(action) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: action must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timestamp) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timestamp) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timestamp must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: unitsAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(good) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(good) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: good must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(questionable) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(questionable) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: questionable must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(substituted) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(substituted) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: substituted must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(annotated) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(annotated) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: annotated must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(errors) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(errors) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: errors must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Action = action, Timestamp = timestamp, UnitsAbbreviation = unitsAbbreviation, Good = good, Questionable = questionable, Substituted = substituted, Annotated = annotated, Value = value, Errors = errors, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIDataPipeEvent" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIDataServer’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, path = NULL,
isConnected = NULL, serverVersion = NULL, serverTime = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(isConnected) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isConnected) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isConnected must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(serverVersion) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(serverVersion) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: serverVersion must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(serverTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(serverTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: serverTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIDataServerLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIDataServerLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Path = path, IsConnected = isConnected, ServerVersion = serverVersion, ServerTime = serverTime, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIDataServer" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIDataServerLicense’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (amountLeft = NULL, amountUsed = NULL, name = NULL,
totalAmount = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(amountLeft) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(amountLeft) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: amountLeft must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(amountUsed) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(amountUsed) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: amountUsed must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(totalAmount) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(totalAmount) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: totalAmount must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIDataServerLicenseLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIDataServerLicenseLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(AmountLeft = amountLeft, AmountUsed = amountUsed, Name = name, TotalAmount = totalAmount, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIDataServerLicense" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIDataServerLicenseLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, parent = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(parent) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(parent) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: parent must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Parent = parent) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIDataServerLicenseLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIDataServerLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, points = NULL, enumerationSets = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(points) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(points) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: points must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(enumerationSets) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(enumerationSets) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: enumerationSets must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Points = points, EnumerationSets = enumerationSets) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIDataServerLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIElement’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, templateName = NULL, hasChildren = NULL, categoryNames = NULL,
extendedProperties = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(templateName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(templateName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: templateName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasChildren must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(extendedProperties) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIElementLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIElementLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, TemplateName = templateName, HasChildren = hasChildren, CategoryNames = categoryNames, ExtendedProperties = extendedProperties, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIElement" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIElementCategory’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIElementCategoryLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIElementCategoryLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIElementCategory" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIElementCategoryLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, database = NULL, security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Database = database, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIElementCategoryLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIElementLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, analyses = NULL, attributes = NULL, elements = NULL,
database = NULL, parent = NULL, template = NULL, categories = NULL,
defaultAttribute = NULL, eventFrames = NULL, interpolatedData = NULL,
recordedData = NULL, plotData = NULL, summaryData = NULL,
value = NULL, endValue = NULL, security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL,
notificationRules = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analyses) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analyses) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analyses must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributes) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributes) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributes must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(elements) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(elements) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: elements must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(parent) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(parent) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: parent must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(template) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(template) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: template must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(categories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(defaultAttribute) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(defaultAttribute) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: defaultAttribute must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(eventFrames) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(eventFrames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: eventFrames must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(interpolatedData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(interpolatedData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: interpolatedData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(recordedData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(recordedData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: recordedData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(plotData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plotData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plotData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(summaryData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(summaryData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: summaryData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(value) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: value must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(endValue) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(endValue) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: endValue must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(notificationRules) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(notificationRules) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: notificationRules must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Analyses = analyses, Attributes = attributes, Elements = elements, Database = database, Parent = parent, Template = template, Categories = categories, DefaultAttribute = defaultAttribute, EventFrames = eventFrames, InterpolatedData = interpolatedData, RecordedData = recordedData, PlotData = plotData, SummaryData = summaryData, Value = value, EndValue = endValue, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries, NotificationRules = notificationRules) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIElementLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIElementTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, allowElementToExtend = NULL, baseTemplate = NULL,
instanceType = NULL, namingPattern = NULL, categoryNames = NULL,
extendedProperties = NULL, severity = NULL, canBeAcknowledged = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(allowElementToExtend) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(allowElementToExtend) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: allowElementToExtend must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(baseTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(baseTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: baseTemplate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(instanceType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(instanceType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: instanceType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(namingPattern) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(namingPattern) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: namingPattern must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(extendedProperties) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(severity) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(severity) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: severity must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(canBeAcknowledged) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canBeAcknowledged) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canBeAcknowledged must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIElementTemplateLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIElementTemplateLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, AllowElementToExtend = allowElementToExtend, BaseTemplate = baseTemplate, InstanceType = instanceType, NamingPattern = namingPattern, CategoryNames = categoryNames, ExtendedProperties = extendedProperties, Severity = severity, CanBeAcknowledged = canBeAcknowledged, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIElementTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIElementTemplateLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, analysisTemplates = NULL, attributeTemplates = NULL,
database = NULL, categories = NULL, baseTemplate = NULL,
baseTemplates = NULL, derivedTemplates = NULL, defaultAttribute = NULL,
notificationRuleTemplates = NULL, security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributeTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributeTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributeTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(categories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(baseTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(baseTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: baseTemplate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(baseTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(baseTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: baseTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(derivedTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(derivedTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: derivedTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(defaultAttribute) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(defaultAttribute) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: defaultAttribute must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(notificationRuleTemplates) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(notificationRuleTemplates) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: notificationRuleTemplates must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AnalysisTemplates = analysisTemplates, AttributeTemplates = attributeTemplates, Database = database, Categories = categories, BaseTemplate = baseTemplate, BaseTemplates = baseTemplates, DerivedTemplates = derivedTemplates, DefaultAttribute = defaultAttribute, NotificationRuleTemplates = notificationRuleTemplates, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIElementTemplateLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIEnumerationSet’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, links = NULL, serializeDescription = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIEnumerationSetLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIEnumerationSetLinks."))) } } if (is.null(serializeDescription) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(serializeDescription) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: serializeDescription must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Links = links, SerializeDescription = serializeDescription, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIEnumerationSet" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIEnumerationSetLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, database = NULL, dataServer = NULL, values = NULL,
security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(dataServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(dataServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: dataServer must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(values) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(values) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: values must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Database = database, DataServer = dataServer, Values = values, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIEnumerationSetLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIEnumerationValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
value = NULL, path = NULL, parent = NULL, links = NULL, serializeWebId = NULL,
serializeId = NULL, serializeDescription = NULL, serializePath = NULL,
serializeLinks = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(value) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: value must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(parent) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(parent) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: parent must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIEnumerationValueLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIEnumerationValueLinks."))) } } if (is.null(serializeWebId) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(serializeWebId) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: serializeWebId must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(serializeId) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(serializeId) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: serializeId must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(serializeDescription) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(serializeDescription) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: serializeDescription must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(serializePath) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(serializePath) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: serializePath must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(serializeLinks) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(serializeLinks) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: serializeLinks must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Value = value, Path = path, Parent = parent, Links = links, SerializeWebId = serializeWebId, SerializeId = serializeId, SerializeDescription = serializeDescription, SerializePath = serializePath, SerializeLinks = serializeLinks, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIEnumerationValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIEnumerationValueLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, enumerationSet = NULL, parent = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(enumerationSet) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(enumerationSet) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: enumerationSet must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(parent) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(parent) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: parent must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, EnumerationSet = enumerationSet, Parent = parent) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIEnumerationValueLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIErrors’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (errors = NULL)
if (is.null(errors) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(errors) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: errors must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(errors[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: errors[[1]] must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Errors = errors) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIErrors" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIEventFrame’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, templateName = NULL, hasChildren = NULL, categoryNames = NULL,
extendedProperties = NULL, startTime = NULL, endTime = NULL,
severity = NULL, acknowledgedBy = NULL, acknowledgedDate = NULL,
canBeAcknowledged = NULL, isAcknowledged = NULL, isAnnotated = NULL,
isLocked = NULL, areValuesCaptured = NULL, refElementWebIds = NULL,
security = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(templateName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(templateName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: templateName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasChildren must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(extendedProperties) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(startTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(startTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: startTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(endTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(endTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: endTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(severity) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(severity) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: severity must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(acknowledgedBy) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(acknowledgedBy) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: acknowledgedBy must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(acknowledgedDate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(acknowledgedDate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: acknowledgedDate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(canBeAcknowledged) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canBeAcknowledged) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canBeAcknowledged must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isAcknowledged) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isAcknowledged) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isAcknowledged must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isAnnotated) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isAnnotated) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isAnnotated must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isLocked) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isLocked) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isLocked must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(areValuesCaptured) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(areValuesCaptured) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: areValuesCaptured must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(refElementWebIds) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(refElementWebIds) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: refElementWebIds must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(refElementWebIds[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: refElementWebIds[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(security, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PISecurity")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter security should be PISecurity."))) } } if (is.null(links) == FALSE) { className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIEventFrameLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIEventFrameLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, TemplateName = templateName, HasChildren = hasChildren, CategoryNames = categoryNames, ExtendedProperties = extendedProperties, StartTime = startTime, EndTime = endTime, Severity = severity, AcknowledgedBy = acknowledgedBy, AcknowledgedDate = acknowledgedDate, CanBeAcknowledged = canBeAcknowledged, IsAcknowledged = isAcknowledged, IsAnnotated = isAnnotated, IsLocked = isLocked, AreValuesCaptured = areValuesCaptured, RefElementWebIds = refElementWebIds, Security = security, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIEventFrame" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIEventFrameLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, attributes = NULL, eventFrames = NULL,
database = NULL, referencedElements = NULL, primaryReferencedElement = NULL,
parent = NULL, template = NULL, defaultAttribute = NULL,
categories = NULL, annotations = NULL, interpolatedData = NULL,
recordedData = NULL, plotData = NULL, summaryData = NULL,
value = NULL, endValue = NULL, security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributes) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributes) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributes must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(eventFrames) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(eventFrames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: eventFrames must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(referencedElements) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(referencedElements) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: referencedElements must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(primaryReferencedElement) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(primaryReferencedElement) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: primaryReferencedElement must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(parent) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(parent) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: parent must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(template) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(template) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: template must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(defaultAttribute) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(defaultAttribute) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: defaultAttribute must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(categories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(annotations) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(annotations) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: annotations must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(interpolatedData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(interpolatedData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: interpolatedData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(recordedData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(recordedData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: recordedData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(plotData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plotData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plotData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(summaryData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(summaryData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: summaryData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(value) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: value must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(endValue) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(endValue) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: endValue must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Attributes = attributes, EventFrames = eventFrames, Database = database, ReferencedElements = referencedElements, PrimaryReferencedElement = primaryReferencedElement, Parent = parent, Template = template, DefaultAttribute = defaultAttribute, Categories = categories, Annotations = annotations, InterpolatedData = interpolatedData, RecordedData = recordedData, PlotData = plotData, SummaryData = summaryData, Value = value, EndValue = endValue, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIEventFrameLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIExtendedTimedValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (annotations = NULL, timestamp = NULL, unitsAbbreviation = NULL,
good = NULL, questionable = NULL, substituted = NULL, annotated = NULL,
value = NULL, errors = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(annotations) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(annotations) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: annotations must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(timestamp) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timestamp) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timestamp must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: unitsAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(good) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(good) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: good must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(questionable) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(questionable) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: questionable must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(substituted) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(substituted) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: substituted must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(annotated) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(annotated) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: annotated must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(errors) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(errors) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: errors must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Annotations = annotations, Timestamp = timestamp, UnitsAbbreviation = unitsAbbreviation, Good = good, Questionable = questionable, Substituted = substituted, Annotated = annotated, Value = value, Errors = errors, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIExtendedTimedValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIExtendedTimedValues’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, unitsAbbreviation = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: unitsAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, UnitsAbbreviation = unitsAbbreviation, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIExtendedTimedValues" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemAttribute’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (identifier = NULL, identifierType = NULL, object = NULL,
exception = NULL)
if (is.null(identifier) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identifier) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identifier must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(identifierType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identifierType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identifierType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(object) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(object, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIAttribute")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter object should be PIAttribute."))) } } if (is.null(exception) == FALSE) { className <- attr(exception, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIErrors")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter exception should be PIErrors."))) } } value <- list(Identifier = identifier, IdentifierType = identifierType, Object = object, Exception = exception) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemAttribute" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemElement’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (identifier = NULL, identifierType = NULL, object = NULL,
exception = NULL)
if (is.null(identifier) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identifier) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identifier must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(identifierType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identifierType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identifierType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(object) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(object, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIElement")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter object should be PIElement."))) } } if (is.null(exception) == FALSE) { className <- attr(exception, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIErrors")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter exception should be PIErrors."))) } } value <- list(Identifier = identifier, IdentifierType = identifierType, Object = object, Exception = exception) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemElement" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemEventFrame’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (identifier = NULL, identifierType = NULL, object = NULL,
exception = NULL)
if (is.null(identifier) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identifier) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identifier must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(identifierType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identifierType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identifierType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(object) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(object, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIEventFrame")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter object should be PIEventFrame."))) } } if (is.null(exception) == FALSE) { className <- attr(exception, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIErrors")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter exception should be PIErrors."))) } } value <- list(Identifier = identifier, IdentifierType = identifierType, Object = object, Exception = exception) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemEventFrame" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemPoint’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (identifier = NULL, identifierType = NULL, object = NULL,
exception = NULL)
if (is.null(identifier) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identifier) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identifier must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(identifierType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identifierType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identifierType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(object) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(object, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPoint")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter object should be PIPoint."))) } } if (is.null(exception) == FALSE) { className <- attr(exception, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIErrors")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter exception should be PIErrors."))) } } value <- list(Identifier = identifier, IdentifierType = identifierType, Object = object, Exception = exception) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemPoint" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAnalysis’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAnalysis" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAnalysisCategory’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAnalysisCategory" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAnalysisRule’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAnalysisRule" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAnalysisRulePlugIn’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAnalysisRulePlugIn" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAnalysisTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAnalysisTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAnnotation’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAnnotation" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAssetDatabase’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAssetDatabase" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAssetServer’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAssetServer" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAttribute’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAttribute" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAttributeCategory’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAttributeCategory" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAttributeTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAttributeTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsAttributeTrait’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsAttributeTrait" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsCacheInstance’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsCacheInstance" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsChannelInstance’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsChannelInstance" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsDataServer’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsDataServer" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsElement’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsElement" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsElementCategory’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsElementCategory" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsElementTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsElementTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsEnumerationSet’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsEnumerationSet" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsEnumerationValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsEnumerationValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsEventFrame’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsEventFrame" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsItemAttribute’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsItemAttribute" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsItemElement’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsItemElement" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsItemEventFrame’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsItemEventFrame" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsItemPoint’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsItemPoint" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsItemsSubstatus’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsItemsSubstatus" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsNotificationContactTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsNotificationContactTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsNotificationRule’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsNotificationRule" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsNotificationRuleSubscriber’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsNotificationRuleSubscriber" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsNotificationRuleTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsNotificationRuleTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsPoint’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsPoint" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsPointAttribute’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsPointAttribute" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsSecurityEntry’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsSecurityEntry" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsSecurityIdentity’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsSecurityIdentity" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsSecurityMapping’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsSecurityMapping" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsSecurityRights’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsSecurityRights" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsStreamSummaries’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsStreamSummaries" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsStreamUpdatesRegister’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsStreamUpdatesRegister" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsStreamUpdatesRetrieve’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsStreamUpdatesRetrieve" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsStreamValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsStreamValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsStreamValues’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsStreamValues" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsstring’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(items[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items[[1]] must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Items = items) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsstring" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsSubstatus’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsSubstatus" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsSummaryValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsSummaryValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsTable’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsTable" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsTableCategory’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsTableCategory" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsTimeRulePlugIn’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsTimeRulePlugIn" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIItemsUnitClass’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, links = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPaginationLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPaginationLinks."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, Links = links) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIItemsUnitClass" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PILanding’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PILandingLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PILandingLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PILanding" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PILandingLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, assetServers = NULL, dataServers = NULL,
pIDirectory = NULL, search = NULL, system = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assetServers) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assetServers) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assetServers must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(dataServers) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(dataServers) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: dataServers must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(pIDirectory) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(pIDirectory) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: pIDirectory must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(search) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(search) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: search must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(system) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(system) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: system must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AssetServers = assetServers, DataServers = dataServers, PIDirectory = pIDirectory, Search = search, System = system) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PILandingLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIMediaMetadata’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (author = NULL, changeDate = NULL, description = NULL,
name = NULL, size = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(author) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(author) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: author must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(changeDate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(changeDate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: changeDate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(size) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIMediaMetadataLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIMediaMetadataLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Author = author, ChangeDate = changeDate, Description = description, Name = name, Size = size, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIMediaMetadata" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIMediaMetadataLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, owner = NULL, mediaData = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(owner) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(owner) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: owner must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(mediaData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(mediaData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: mediaData must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Owner = owner, MediaData = mediaData) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIMediaMetadataLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PINotificationContactTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, available = NULL, configString = NULL, contactType = NULL,
plugInName = NULL, hasChildren = NULL, maximumRetries = NULL,
minimumAcknowledgements = NULL, notifyWhenInstanceEnded = NULL,
escalationTimeout = NULL, retryInterval = NULL, links = NULL,
webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(available) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(available) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: available must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(configString) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(configString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: configString must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(contactType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(contactType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: contactType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(plugInName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plugInName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plugInName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasChildren) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasChildren must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(maximumRetries) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(maximumRetries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: maximumRetries must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(minimumAcknowledgements) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(minimumAcknowledgements) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: minimumAcknowledgements must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(notifyWhenInstanceEnded) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(notifyWhenInstanceEnded) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: notifyWhenInstanceEnded must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(escalationTimeout) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(escalationTimeout) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: escalationTimeout must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(retryInterval) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(retryInterval) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: retryInterval must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PINotificationContactTemplateLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PINotificationContactTemplateLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Available = available, ConfigString = configString, ContactType = contactType, PlugInName = plugInName, HasChildren = hasChildren, MaximumRetries = maximumRetries, MinimumAcknowledgements = minimumAcknowledgements, NotifyWhenInstanceEnded = notifyWhenInstanceEnded, EscalationTimeout = escalationTimeout, RetryInterval = retryInterval, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PINotificationContactTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PINotificationContactTemplateLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, assetServer = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assetServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assetServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assetServer must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AssetServer = assetServer) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PINotificationContactTemplateLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PINotificationRule’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, autoCreated = NULL, categoryNames = NULL, criteria = NULL,
multiTriggerEventOption = NULL, nonrepetitionInterval = NULL,
resendInterval = NULL, status = NULL, templateName = NULL,
webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(autoCreated) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(autoCreated) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: autoCreated must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(criteria) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(criteria) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: criteria must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(multiTriggerEventOption) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(multiTriggerEventOption) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: multiTriggerEventOption must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(nonrepetitionInterval) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(nonrepetitionInterval) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: nonrepetitionInterval must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(resendInterval) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(resendInterval) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: resendInterval must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(status) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(status) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: status must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(templateName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(templateName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: templateName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, AutoCreated = autoCreated, CategoryNames = categoryNames, Criteria = criteria, MultiTriggerEventOption = multiTriggerEventOption, NonrepetitionInterval = nonrepetitionInterval, ResendInterval = resendInterval, Status = status, TemplateName = templateName, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PINotificationRule" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PINotificationRuleSubscriber’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, configString = NULL, contactTemplateName = NULL,
contactType = NULL, deliveryFormatName = NULL, plugInName = NULL,
escalationTimeout = NULL, maximumRetries = NULL, notifyOption = NULL,
retryInterval = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(configString) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(configString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: configString must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(contactTemplateName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(contactTemplateName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: contactTemplateName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(contactType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(contactType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: contactType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(deliveryFormatName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(deliveryFormatName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: deliveryFormatName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(plugInName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plugInName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plugInName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(escalationTimeout) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(escalationTimeout) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: escalationTimeout must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(maximumRetries) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(maximumRetries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: maximumRetries must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(notifyOption) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(notifyOption) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: notifyOption must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(retryInterval) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(retryInterval) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: retryInterval must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, ConfigString = configString, ContactTemplateName = contactTemplateName, ContactType = contactType, DeliveryFormatName = deliveryFormatName, PlugInName = plugInName, EscalationTimeout = escalationTimeout, MaximumRetries = maximumRetries, NotifyOption = notifyOption, RetryInterval = retryInterval, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PINotificationRuleSubscriber" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PINotificationRuleTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, categoryNames = NULL, criteria = NULL, multiTriggerEventOption = NULL,
nonrepetitionInterval = NULL, resendInterval = NULL, status = NULL,
templateName = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(criteria) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(criteria) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: criteria must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(multiTriggerEventOption) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(multiTriggerEventOption) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: multiTriggerEventOption must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(nonrepetitionInterval) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(nonrepetitionInterval) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: nonrepetitionInterval must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(resendInterval) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(resendInterval) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: resendInterval must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(status) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(status) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: status must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(templateName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(templateName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: templateName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, CategoryNames = categoryNames, Criteria = criteria, MultiTriggerEventOption = multiTriggerEventOption, NonrepetitionInterval = nonrepetitionInterval, ResendInterval = resendInterval, Status = status, TemplateName = templateName, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PINotificationRuleTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIPaginationLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (first = NULL, previous = NULL, last = NULL)
if (is.null(first) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(first) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: first must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(previous) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(previous) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: previous must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(last) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(last) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: last must be a string.”)))
value <- list(First = first, Previous = previous, Last = last) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIPaginationLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIPoint’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, path = NULL,
descriptor = NULL, pointClass = NULL, pointType = NULL, digitalSetName = NULL,
span = NULL, zero = NULL, engineeringUnits = NULL, step = NULL,
future = NULL, displayDigits = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(descriptor) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(descriptor) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: descriptor must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(pointClass) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(pointClass) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: pointClass must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(pointType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(pointType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: pointType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(digitalSetName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(digitalSetName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: digitalSetName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(span) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(zero) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(engineeringUnits) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(engineeringUnits) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: engineeringUnits must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(step) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(step) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: step must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(future) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(future) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: future must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(displayDigits) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(displayDigits) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: displayDigits must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPointLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPointLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Path = path, Descriptor = descriptor, PointClass = pointClass, PointType = pointType, DigitalSetName = digitalSetName, Span = span, Zero = zero, EngineeringUnits = engineeringUnits, Step = step, Future = future, DisplayDigits = displayDigits, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIPoint" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIPointAttribute’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (name = NULL, value = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIPointAttributeLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIPointAttributeLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Name = name, Value = value, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIPointAttribute" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIPointAttributeLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, point = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(point) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(point) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: point must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Point = point) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIPointAttributeLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIPointLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, dataServer = NULL, attributes = NULL,
interpolatedData = NULL, recordedData = NULL, plotData = NULL,
summaryData = NULL, value = NULL, endValue = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(dataServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(dataServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: dataServer must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributes) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributes) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributes must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(interpolatedData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(interpolatedData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: interpolatedData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(recordedData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(recordedData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: recordedData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(plotData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plotData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plotData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(summaryData) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(summaryData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: summaryData must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(value) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: value must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(endValue) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(endValue) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: endValue must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, DataServer = dataServer, Attributes = attributes, InterpolatedData = interpolatedData, RecordedData = recordedData, PlotData = plotData, SummaryData = summaryData, Value = value, EndValue = endValue) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIPointLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIPropertyError’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (fieldName = NULL, message = NULL)
if (is.null(fieldName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(fieldName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: fieldName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(message) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(message) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: message must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(message[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: message[[1]] must be a string.”)))
value <- list(FieldName = fieldName, Message = message) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIPropertyError" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIRequest’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (method = NULL, resource = NULL, requestTemplate = NULL,
parameters = NULL, headers = NULL, content = NULL, parentIds = NULL)
if (is.null(method) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(method) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: method must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(resource) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(resource) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: resource must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(requestTemplate) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(requestTemplate, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIRequestTemplate")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter requestTemplate should be PIRequestTemplate."))) } } if (is.null(parameters) == FALSE) { if (is.vector(parameters) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: parameters must be a vector."))) } if (is.character(parameters[[1]]) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: parameters[[1]] must be a string."))) } } if (is.null(headers) == FALSE) { } if (is.null(content) == FALSE) { if (is.character(content) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: content must be a string."))) } } if (is.null(parentIds) == FALSE) { if (is.vector(parentIds) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: parentIds must be a vector."))) } if (is.character(parentIds[[1]]) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: parentIds[[1]] must be a string."))) } } value <- list(Method = method, Resource = resource, RequestTemplate = requestTemplate, Parameters = parameters, Headers = headers, Content = content, ParentIds = parentIds) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIRequest" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIRequestTemplate’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (resource = NULL)
if (is.null(resource) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(resource) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: resource must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Resource = resource) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIRequestTemplate" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIResponse’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (status = NULL, headers = NULL, content = NULL)
if (is.null(status) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(status) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: status must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(headers) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(content) == FALSE) {
value <- list(Status = status, Headers = headers, Content = content) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIResponse" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISearchByAttribute’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (searchRoot = NULL, elementTemplate = NULL, webException = NULL,
valueQueries = NULL)
if (is.null(searchRoot) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(searchRoot) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: searchRoot must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(elementTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(elementTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: elementTemplate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } if (is.null(valueQueries) == FALSE) { if (is.vector(valueQueries) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: valueQueries must be a vector."))) } } value <- list(SearchRoot = searchRoot, ElementTemplate = elementTemplate, WebException = webException, ValueQueries = valueQueries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISearchByAttribute" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurity’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (canAnnotate = NULL, canDelete = NULL, canExecute = NULL,
canRead = NULL, canReadData = NULL, canSubscribe = NULL,
canSubscribeOthers = NULL, canWrite = NULL, canWriteData = NULL,
hasAdmin = NULL, rights = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(canAnnotate) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canAnnotate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canAnnotate must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(canDelete) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canDelete) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canDelete must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(canExecute) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canExecute) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canExecute must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(canRead) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canRead) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canRead must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(canReadData) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canReadData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canReadData must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(canSubscribe) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canSubscribe) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canSubscribe must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(canSubscribeOthers) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canSubscribeOthers) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canSubscribeOthers must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(canWrite) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canWrite) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canWrite must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(canWriteData) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(canWriteData) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canWriteData must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(hasAdmin) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(hasAdmin) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: hasAdmin must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(rights) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(rights) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: rights must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(rights[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: rights[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(CanAnnotate = canAnnotate, CanDelete = canDelete, CanExecute = canExecute, CanRead = canRead, CanReadData = canReadData, CanSubscribe = canSubscribe, CanSubscribeOthers = canSubscribeOthers, CanWrite = canWrite, CanWriteData = canWriteData, HasAdmin = hasAdmin, Rights = rights, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurity" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurityEntry’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (name = NULL, securityIdentityName = NULL, allowRights = NULL,
denyRights = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityIdentityName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityIdentityName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityIdentityName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(allowRights) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(allowRights) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: allowRights must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(allowRights[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: allowRights[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(denyRights) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(denyRights) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: denyRights must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(denyRights[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: denyRights[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PISecurityEntryLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PISecurityEntryLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Name = name, SecurityIdentityName = securityIdentityName, AllowRights = allowRights, DenyRights = denyRights, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurityEntry" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurityEntryLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, securableObject = NULL, securityIdentity = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securableObject) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securableObject) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securableObject must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityIdentity) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityIdentity) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityIdentity must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, SecurableObject = securableObject, SecurityIdentity = securityIdentity) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurityEntryLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurityIdentity’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, isEnabled = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(isEnabled) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isEnabled) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isEnabled must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PISecurityIdentityLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PISecurityIdentityLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, IsEnabled = isEnabled, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurityIdentity" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurityIdentityLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, assetServer = NULL, securityMappings = NULL,
security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assetServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assetServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assetServer must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityMappings) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityMappings) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityMappings must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AssetServer = assetServer, SecurityMappings = securityMappings, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurityIdentityLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurityMapping’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, account = NULL, securityIdentityWebId = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(account) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(account) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: account must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityIdentityWebId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityIdentityWebId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityIdentityWebId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PISecurityMappingLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PISecurityMappingLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Account = account, SecurityIdentityWebId = securityIdentityWebId, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurityMapping" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurityMappingLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, assetServer = NULL, securityIdentity = NULL,
security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assetServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assetServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assetServer must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityIdentity) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityIdentity) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityIdentity must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AssetServer = assetServer, SecurityIdentity = securityIdentity, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurityMappingLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurityRights’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (ownerWebId = NULL, securityItem = NULL, userIdentity = NULL,
links = NULL, canAnnotate = NULL, canDelete = NULL, canExecute = NULL,
canRead = NULL, canReadData = NULL, canSubscribe = NULL,
canSubscribeOthers = NULL, canWrite = NULL, canWriteData = NULL,
hasAdmin = NULL, rights = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(ownerWebId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(ownerWebId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: ownerWebId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityItem) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityItem) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityItem must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(userIdentity) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(userIdentity) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: userIdentity must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PISecurityRightsLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PISecurityRightsLinks."))) } } if (is.null(canAnnotate) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canAnnotate) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canAnnotate must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(canDelete) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canDelete) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canDelete must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(canExecute) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canExecute) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canExecute must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(canRead) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canRead) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canRead must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(canReadData) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canReadData) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canReadData must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(canSubscribe) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canSubscribe) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canSubscribe must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(canSubscribeOthers) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canSubscribeOthers) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canSubscribeOthers must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(canWrite) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canWrite) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canWrite must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(canWriteData) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(canWriteData) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: canWriteData must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(hasAdmin) == FALSE) { if (is.logical(hasAdmin) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: hasAdmin must be a boolean."))) } } if (is.null(rights) == FALSE) { if (is.vector(rights) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: rights must be a vector."))) } if (is.character(rights[[1]]) == FALSE) { return(print(paste0("Error: rights[[1]] must be a string."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(OwnerWebId = ownerWebId, SecurityItem = securityItem, UserIdentity = userIdentity, Links = links, CanAnnotate = canAnnotate, CanDelete = canDelete, CanExecute = canExecute, CanRead = canRead, CanReadData = canReadData, CanSubscribe = canSubscribe, CanSubscribeOthers = canSubscribeOthers, CanWrite = canWrite, CanWriteData = canWriteData, HasAdmin = hasAdmin, Rights = rights, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurityRights" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISecurityRightsLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, owner = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(owner) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(owner) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: owner must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Owner = owner) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISecurityRightsLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamAnnotation’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL, value = NULL,
creator = NULL, creationDate = NULL, modifier = NULL, modifyDate = NULL,
webException = NULL)
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(creator) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(creator) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: creator must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(creationDate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(creationDate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: creationDate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(modifier) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(modifier) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: modifier must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(modifyDate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(modifyDate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: modifyDate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Value = value, Creator = creator, CreationDate = creationDate, Modifier = modifier, ModifyDate = modifyDate, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamAnnotation" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamSummaries’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, name = NULL, path = NULL, items = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIStreamSummariesLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIStreamSummariesLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Name = name, Path = path, Items = items, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamSummaries" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamSummariesLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (source = NULL)
if (is.null(source) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(source) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: source must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Source = source) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamSummariesLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamUpdatesRegister’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (status = NULL, source = NULL, sourceName = NULL, sourcePath = NULL,
latestMarker = NULL, exception = NULL)
if (is.null(status) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(status) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: status must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(source) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(source) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: source must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(sourceName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(sourceName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: sourceName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(sourcePath) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(sourcePath) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: sourcePath must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(latestMarker) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(latestMarker) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: latestMarker must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(exception) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(exception, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIErrors")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter exception should be PIErrors."))) } } value <- list(Status = status, Source = source, SourceName = sourceName, SourcePath = sourcePath, LatestMarker = latestMarker, Exception = exception) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamUpdatesRegister" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamUpdatesRetrieve’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (source = NULL, sourceName = NULL, sourcePath = NULL,
requestedMarker = NULL, latestMarker = NULL, status = NULL,
events = NULL, exception = NULL)
if (is.null(source) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(source) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: source must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(sourceName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(sourceName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: sourceName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(sourcePath) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(sourcePath) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: sourcePath must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(requestedMarker) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(requestedMarker) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: requestedMarker must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(latestMarker) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(latestMarker) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: latestMarker must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(status) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(status) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: status must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(events) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(events) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: events must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(exception) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(exception, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIErrors")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter exception should be PIErrors."))) } } value <- list(Source = source, SourceName = sourceName, SourcePath = sourcePath, RequestedMarker = requestedMarker, LatestMarker = latestMarker, Status = status, Events = events, Exception = exception) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamUpdatesRetrieve" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, name = NULL, path = NULL, value = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(value, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PITimedValue")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter value should be PITimedValue."))) } } if (is.null(links) == FALSE) { className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIStreamValueLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIStreamValueLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Name = name, Path = path, Value = value, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamValueLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (source = NULL)
if (is.null(source) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(source) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: source must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Source = source) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamValueLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamValues’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, name = NULL, path = NULL, items = NULL,
unitsAbbreviation = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: unitsAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIStreamValuesLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIStreamValuesLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Name = name, Path = path, Items = items, UnitsAbbreviation = unitsAbbreviation, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamValues" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIStreamValuesLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (source = NULL)
if (is.null(source) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(source) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: source must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Source = source) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIStreamValuesLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISubstatus’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (substatus = NULL, message = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(substatus) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(substatus) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: substatus must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(message) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(message) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: message must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Substatus = substatus, Message = message, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISubstatus" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISummaryValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (type = NULL, value = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(type) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(type) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: type must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(value, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PITimedValue")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter value should be PITimedValue."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Type = type, Value = value, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISummaryValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISystemLanding’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (productTitle = NULL, productVersion = NULL, links = NULL,
webException = NULL)
if (is.null(productTitle) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(productTitle) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: productTitle must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(productVersion) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(productVersion) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: productVersion must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PISystemLandingLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PISystemLandingLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(ProductTitle = productTitle, ProductVersion = productVersion, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISystemLanding" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISystemLandingLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, cacheInstances = NULL, configuration = NULL,
userInfo = NULL, versions = NULL, status = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(cacheInstances) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(cacheInstances) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: cacheInstances must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(configuration) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(configuration) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: configuration must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(userInfo) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(userInfo) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: userInfo must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(versions) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(versions) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: versions must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(status) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(status) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: status must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, CacheInstances = cacheInstances, Configuration = configuration, UserInfo = userInfo, Versions = versions, Status = status) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISystemLandingLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PISystemStatus’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (upTimeInMinutes = NULL, state = NULL, cacheInstances = NULL,
serverTime = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(upTimeInMinutes) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(state) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(state) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: state must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(cacheInstances) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(cacheInstances) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: cacheInstances must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(serverTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(serverTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: serverTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(UpTimeInMinutes = upTimeInMinutes, State = state, CacheInstances = cacheInstances, ServerTime = serverTime, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PISystemStatus" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITable’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, categoryNames = NULL, timeZone = NULL, convertToLocalTime = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(categoryNames) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(categoryNames[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categoryNames[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(timeZone) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timeZone) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timeZone must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(convertToLocalTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(convertToLocalTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: convertToLocalTime must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PITableLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PITableLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, CategoryNames = categoryNames, TimeZone = timeZone, ConvertToLocalTime = convertToLocalTime, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITable" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITableCategory’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PITableCategoryLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PITableCategoryLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITableCategory" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITableCategoryLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, database = NULL, security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Database = database, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITableCategoryLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITableData’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (columns = NULL, rows = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(columns) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(rows) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(rows) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: rows must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Columns = columns, Rows = rows, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITableData" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITableLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, database = NULL, data = NULL, categories = NULL,
security = NULL, securityEntries = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(database) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(database) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: database must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(data) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(data) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: data must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(categories) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(categories) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: categories must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(security) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(security) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: security must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(securityEntries) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: securityEntries must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Database = database, Data = data, Categories = categories, Security = security, SecurityEntries = securityEntries) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITableLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITimedValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (timestamp = NULL, unitsAbbreviation = NULL, good = NULL,
questionable = NULL, substituted = NULL, annotated = NULL,
value = NULL, errors = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(timestamp) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(timestamp) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: timestamp must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: unitsAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(good) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(good) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: good must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(questionable) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(questionable) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: questionable must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(substituted) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(substituted) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: substituted must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(annotated) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(annotated) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: annotated must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(errors) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(errors) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: errors must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Timestamp = timestamp, UnitsAbbreviation = unitsAbbreviation, Good = good, Questionable = questionable, Substituted = substituted, Annotated = annotated, Value = value, Errors = errors, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITimedValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITimedValues’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (items = NULL, unitsAbbreviation = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(items) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(items) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: items must be a vector.”)))
if (is.null(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(unitsAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: unitsAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Items = items, UnitsAbbreviation = unitsAbbreviation, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITimedValues" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITimeRule’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, configString = NULL, configStringStored = NULL,
displayString = NULL, editorType = NULL, isConfigured = NULL,
isInitializing = NULL, mergeDuplicatedItems = NULL, plugInName = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(configString) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(configString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: configString must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(configStringStored) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(configStringStored) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: configStringStored must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(displayString) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(displayString) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: displayString must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(editorType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(editorType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: editorType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(isConfigured) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isConfigured) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isConfigured must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isInitializing) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isInitializing) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isInitializing must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(mergeDuplicatedItems) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(mergeDuplicatedItems) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: mergeDuplicatedItems must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(plugInName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plugInName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plugInName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PITimeRuleLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PITimeRuleLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, ConfigString = configString, ConfigStringStored = configStringStored, DisplayString = displayString, EditorType = editorType, IsConfigured = isConfigured, IsInitializing = isInitializing, MergeDuplicatedItems = mergeDuplicatedItems, PlugInName = plugInName, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITimeRule" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITimeRuleLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, analysis = NULL, analysisTemplate = NULL,
plugIn = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysis) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysis) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysis must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(analysisTemplate) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(analysisTemplate) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: analysisTemplate must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(plugIn) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(plugIn) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: plugIn must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Analysis = analysis, AnalysisTemplate = analysisTemplate, PlugIn = plugIn) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITimeRuleLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITimeRulePlugIn’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
path = NULL, assemblyFileName = NULL, assemblyID = NULL,
assemblyLoadProperties = NULL, assemblyTime = NULL, compatibilityVersion = NULL,
isBrowsable = NULL, isNonEditableConfig = NULL, loadedAssemblyTime = NULL,
loadedVersion = NULL, version = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assemblyFileName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assemblyFileName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyFileName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assemblyID) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assemblyID) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyID must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assemblyLoadProperties) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(assemblyLoadProperties) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyLoadProperties must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(assemblyLoadProperties[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyLoadProperties[[1]] must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assemblyTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assemblyTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assemblyTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(compatibilityVersion) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(compatibilityVersion) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: compatibilityVersion must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(isBrowsable) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isBrowsable) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isBrowsable must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(isNonEditableConfig) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isNonEditableConfig) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isNonEditableConfig must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(loadedAssemblyTime) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(loadedAssemblyTime) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: loadedAssemblyTime must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(loadedVersion) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(loadedVersion) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: loadedVersion must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(version) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(version) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: version must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PITimeRulePlugInLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PITimeRulePlugInLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Path = path, AssemblyFileName = assemblyFileName, AssemblyID = assemblyID, AssemblyLoadProperties = assemblyLoadProperties, AssemblyTime = assemblyTime, CompatibilityVersion = compatibilityVersion, IsBrowsable = isBrowsable, IsNonEditableConfig = isNonEditableConfig, LoadedAssemblyTime = loadedAssemblyTime, LoadedVersion = loadedVersion, Version = version, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITimeRulePlugIn" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PITimeRulePlugInLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, assetServer = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assetServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assetServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assetServer must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, AssetServer = assetServer) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PITimeRulePlugInLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIUnit’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, abbreviation = NULL,
description = NULL, path = NULL, factor = NULL, offset = NULL,
referenceFactor = NULL, referenceOffset = NULL, referenceUnitAbbreviation = NULL,
links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(abbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(abbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: abbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(factor) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(offset) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(referenceFactor) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(referenceOffset) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(referenceUnitAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(referenceUnitAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: referenceUnitAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIUnitLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIUnitLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Abbreviation = abbreviation, Description = description, Path = path, Factor = factor, Offset = offset, ReferenceFactor = referenceFactor, ReferenceOffset = referenceOffset, ReferenceUnitAbbreviation = referenceUnitAbbreviation, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIUnit" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIUnitClass’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (webId = NULL, id = NULL, name = NULL, description = NULL,
canonicalUnitName = NULL, canonicalUnitAbbreviation = NULL,
path = NULL, links = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(webId) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(webId) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: webId must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(id) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: id must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(description) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(description) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: description must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(canonicalUnitName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(canonicalUnitName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canonicalUnitName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(canonicalUnitAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(canonicalUnitAbbreviation) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canonicalUnitAbbreviation must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(path) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(path) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: path must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(links) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(links, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIUnitClassLinks")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter links should be PIUnitClassLinks."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(WebId = webId, Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, CanonicalUnitName = canonicalUnitName, CanonicalUnitAbbreviation = canonicalUnitAbbreviation, Path = path, Links = links, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIUnitClass" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIUnitClassLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, canonicalUnit = NULL, units = NULL, assetServer = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(canonicalUnit) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(canonicalUnit) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: canonicalUnit must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(units) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(units) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: units must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(assetServer) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(assetServer) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: assetServer must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, CanonicalUnit = canonicalUnit, Units = units, AssetServer = assetServer) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIUnitClassLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIUnitLinks’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (self = NULL, class = NULL, referenceUnit = NULL)
if (is.null(self) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(self) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: self must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(class) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(class) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: class must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(referenceUnit) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(referenceUnit) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: referenceUnit must be a string.”)))
value <- list(Self = self, Class = class, ReferenceUnit = referenceUnit) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIUnitLinks" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIUserInfo’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (identityType = NULL, name = NULL, isAuthenticated = NULL,
sID = NULL, impersonationLevel = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(identityType) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(identityType) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: identityType must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(name) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(name) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: name must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(isAuthenticated) == FALSE) {
if (is.logical(isAuthenticated) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: isAuthenticated must be a boolean.”)))
if (is.null(sID) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(sID) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: sID must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(impersonationLevel) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(impersonationLevel) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: impersonationLevel must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(IdentityType = identityType, Name = name, IsAuthenticated = isAuthenticated, SID = sID, ImpersonationLevel = impersonationLevel, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIUserInfo" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIValue’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (value = NULL, exception = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(value) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(exception) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(exception, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIErrors")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter exception should be PIErrors."))) } } if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) { className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(Value = value, Exception = exception, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIValue" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIValueQuery’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (attributeName = NULL, attributeUOM = NULL, attributeValue = NULL,
searchOperator = NULL, webException = NULL)
if (is.null(attributeName) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributeName) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributeName must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributeUOM) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(attributeUOM) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: attributeUOM must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(attributeValue) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(searchOperator) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(searchOperator) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: searchOperator must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(AttributeName = attributeName, AttributeUOM = attributeUOM, AttributeValue = attributeValue, SearchOperator = searchOperator, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIValueQuery" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘PIVersion’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (fullVersion = NULL, majorMinorRevision = NULL, build = NULL,
webException = NULL)
if (is.null(fullVersion) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(fullVersion) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: fullVersion must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(majorMinorRevision) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(majorMinorRevision) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: majorMinorRevision must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(build) == FALSE) {
if (is.character(build) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: build must be a string.”)))
if (is.null(webException) == FALSE) {
className <- attr(webException, "className") if ((is.null(className)) || (className != "PIWebException")) { return(print(paste0("Error: the class from the parameter webException should be PIWebException."))) } } value <- list(FullVersion = fullVersion, MajorMinorRevision = majorMinorRevision, Build = build, WebException = webException) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIVersion" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘piwebapi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
home: NULL
analysis: NULL
analysisCategory: NULL
analysisRulePlugIn: NULL
analysisRule: NULL
analysisTemplate: NULL
assetDatabase: NULL
assetServer: NULL
attributeCategory: NULL
attribute: NULL
attributeTemplate: NULL
attributeTrait: NULL
batch: NULL
calculation: NULL
channel: NULL
dataServer: NULL
elementCategory: NULL
element: NULL
elementTemplate: NULL
enumerationSet: NULL
enumerationValue: NULL
eventFrame: NULL
notificationContactTemplate: NULL
notificationRule: NULL
notificationRuleSubscriber: NULL
notificationRuleTemplate: NULL
point: NULL
securityIdentity: NULL
securityMapping: NULL
stream: NULL
streamSet: NULL
system: NULL
configuration: NULL
tableCategory: NULL
table: NULL
timeRulePlugIn: NULL
timeRule: NULL
unitClass: NULL
unit: NULL
data: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, useKerberos, username, password, validateSSL = TRUE,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘PIWebException’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (statusCode = NULL, errors = NULL)
if (is.null(statusCode) == FALSE) {
if (check.integer(statusCode) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: statusCode must be an integer.”)))
if (is.null(errors) == FALSE) {
if (is.vector(errors) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: errors must be a vector.”)))
if (is.character(errors[[1]]) == FALSE) {
return(print(paste0(“Error: errors[[1]] must be a string.”)))
value <- list(StatusCode = statusCode, Errors = errors) valueCleaned <- rmNullObs(value) attr(valueCleaned, "className") <- "PIWebException" return(valueCleaned) }

A single object matching ‘pointApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIPoint)
delete: function (webId)
getAttributes: function (webId, name, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
getAttributeByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getMultiple: function (asParallel, includeMode, path, selectedFields, webId,
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘postHttpRequest’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (url, queryParameters, bodyRequest, username, password,
authType, validateSSL, debug)
if (debug == TRUE) {
res <- POST(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL), body = bodyRequest, encode = "json", verbose()) showError(res) return(res) } else { res <- POST(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL), body = bodyRequest, encode = "json") showError(res) return(res) } }

A single object matching ‘putHttpRequest’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (url, queryParameters, bodyRequest, username, password,
authType, validateSSL, debug)
if (debug == TRUE) {
res <- PUT(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL), body = bodyRequest, encode = "json", verbose()) showError(res) return(res) } else { res <- PUT(url, query = queryParameters, add_headers(`X-Requested-With` = "PIWebApiWrapper"), authenticate(user = username, password = password, type = authType), config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = validateSSL), body = bodyRequest, encode = "json") showError(res) return(res) } }

A single object matching ‘rmNullObs’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (x)
x <- Filter(Negate(is.NullOb), x) lapply(x, function(x) if (is.list(x)) rmNullObs(x) else x) }

A single object matching ‘securityIdentityApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PISecurityIdentity)
delete: function (webId)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurityMappings: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘securityMappingApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PISecurityMapping)
delete: function (webId)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘showError’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (res)
if (res$status > 299) {
print(paste0(“HTTP Status code is “, res$status, “.”))
if (res$status == 401) {
print(paste0(“Authentication Error: Please review PI Web API security and allowed authentication methods.”))
error <- content(res) if (is.null(error$Errors[[1]]) == FALSE) { print(paste0("Error: ", error$Errors[[1]])) } else { print(paste0("Error: ", error)) } } }

A single object matching ‘streamApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getChannel: function (webId, heartbeatRate, includeInitialValues, webIdType)
getEnd: function (webId, desiredUnits, selectedFields)
getInterpolated: function (webId, desiredUnits, endTime, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getInterpolatedAtTimes: function (webId, desiredUnits, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getPlot: function (webId, desiredUnits, endTime, intervals, selectedFields,
getRecorded: function (webId, associations, boundaryType, desiredUnits, endTime,
updateValues: function (webId, values, bufferOption, updateOption)
getRecordedAtTime: function (webId, time, associations, desiredUnits, retrievalMode,
getRecordedAtTimes: function (webId, associations, desiredUnits, retrievalMode, selectedFields,
getSummary: function (webId, calculationBasis, endTime, filterExpression,
registerStreamUpdate: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getValue: function (webId, desiredUnits, selectedFields, time, timeZone)
updateValue: function (webId, PITimedValue, bufferOption, updateOption, webIdType)
retrieveStreamUpdate: function (marker, desiredUnits, selectedFields, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘streamSetApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getChannel: function (webId, categoryName, heartbeatRate, includeInitialValues,
getEnd: function (webId, categoryName, nameFilter, searchFullHierarchy,
getInterpolated: function (webId, categoryName, endTime, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getInterpolatedAtTimes: function (webId, time, categoryName, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getPlot: function (webId, categoryName, endTime, intervals, nameFilter,
getRecorded: function (webId, boundaryType, categoryName, endTime, filterExpression,
updateValues: function (webId, values, bufferOption, updateOption)
getRecordedAtTime: function (webId, time, categoryName, nameFilter, retrievalMode,
getRecordedAtTimes: function (webId, time, categoryName, nameFilter, retrievalMode,
getSummaries: function (webId, calculationBasis, categoryName, endTime, filterExpression,
getValues: function (webId, categoryName, nameFilter, searchFullHierarchy,
updateValue: function (webId, values, bufferOption, updateOption)
getChannelAdHoc: function (webId, heartbeatRate, includeInitialValues, webIdType)
getEndAdHoc: function (webId, selectedFields, sortField, sortOrder, webIdType)
getInterpolatedAdHoc: function (webId, endTime, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getInterpolatedAtTimesAdHoc: function (time, webId, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
getPlotAdHoc: function (webId, endTime, intervals, selectedFields, sortField,
getRecordedAdHoc: function (webId, boundaryType, endTime, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues,
updateValuesAdHoc: function (values, bufferOption, updateOption)
getRecordedAtTimeAdHoc: function (time, webId, retrievalMode, selectedFields, timeZone,
getRecordedAtTimesAdHoc: function (time, webId, retrievalMode, selectedFields, sortOrder,
getSummariesAdHoc: function (webId, calculationBasis, endTime, filterExpression,
retrieveStreamSetUpdates: function (marker, selectedFields, webIdType)
registerStreamSetUpdates: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getValuesAdHoc: function (webId, selectedFields, sortField, sortOrder, time,
updateValueAdHoc: function (values, bufferOption, updateOption)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘systemApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
landing: function ()
cacheInstances: function ()
status: function ()
userInfo: function ()
versions: function ()
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘tableApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PITable)
delete: function (webId)
getCategories: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getData: function (webId, selectedFields)
updateData: function (webId, PITableData)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘tableCategoryApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PITableCategory)
delete: function (webId)
getSecurity: function (webId, userIdentity, forceRefresh, selectedFields,
getSecurityEntries: function (webId, nameFilter, selectedFields, webIdType)
createSecurityEntry: function (webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren, webIdType)
getSecurityEntryByName: function (name, webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
updateSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, PISecurityEntry, applyToChildren)
deleteSecurityEntry: function (name, webId, applyToChildren)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘timeRuleApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PITimeRule)
delete: function (webId)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘timeRulePlugInApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘unitApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIUnit)
delete: function (webId)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE
A single object matching ‘unitClassApi’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

object generator
serviceBase: NULL
authType: NULL
username: NULL
password: NULL
validateSSL: NULL
debug: NULL
initialize: function (baseUrl, authType, username, password, validateSSL,
getByPath: function (path, selectedFields, webIdType)
get: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
update: function (webId, PIUnitClass)
delete: function (webId)
getCanonicalUnit: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
getUnits: function (webId, selectedFields, webIdType)
createUnit: function (webId, PIUnit, webIdType)
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
Parent env:
Locked objects: TRUE
Locked class: FALSE
Portable: TRUE

Just another WordPress site